At MICSA we are well aware of most requirements by most manufacturers of radiographic equipment.
Typical shielding varies, typically we use lead or barium plaster depending on the requirements and preference.
Sometimes concrete construction of ceilings and floors can be sufficient shielding in those areas. However, specialist physicist report should always be sought.
Wall shielding
Lead bonded to plasterboard or wooden structure
Doors & Access
A 1.5 leaf door allows patient access, whilst taking into account the use of trolleys and wheelchairs. An additional single doorset may be included for separate staff access.
Screens & Radiation Protection
An x-ray screen provides protection for the Radiographer operating the equipment. The screen size and position is designed to meet the room layout.
Designed for Better Workflow
Other aspects include workflow analysis, patient change rooms as well as digital radiography system set up.
Radiology Specific Case Studies